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National Destination Code:782
This is the Canada National Destination Code:782 Area Code Database page list. You can click the title to browse the detail information.
Region Name | City | Sn from | Sn to | Carrier Name | Number Type |
Prince Edward Island | New London | 4620000 | 4629999 | BRAGG COMMUNICATIONS | G |
Prince Edward Island | Montague | 8230000 | 8239999 | IRISTEL INC. - ON | G |
Prince Edward Island | Charlottetown | 8430000 | 8439999 | ALIANT TELECOM MOBLT | M |
Prince Edward Island | Charlottetown | 8440000 | 8449999 | ALIANT TELECOM MOBLT | M |
Prince Edward Island | Charlottetown | 8460000 | 8469999 | ALIANT TELECOM MOBLT | M |